Thursday, 13 October 2011

The Prouded Frog

"Sometimes someone has a little knowledge, and they become very proud. Sometimes someone has a little wealth, they become very proud, they think nothing can disturb them.

There is a story once, that there was a frog living in the pond. One day the frog, he jumped out on the side of the pond and there he found one coin. He found a 50 paisa piece...'aat anna'. Now this was quite some time ago, so that time 'aat anna' was more than it is today. Maybe that 'aat anna' was worth 50 rupees today. Now rupees are not worth so much.

So that frog thought that, "Now I am the richest frog in the world! What other frog has so much money?" Have you ever see a frog with money? So he was very proud. So he was sitting on top of that 50 paisa and he was making that sound that the frogs make...what do we call it..croaking!

And he thought that, 'Now I have become a very wealthy frog, and I don't have anything to fear anymore because I have so much wealth...I am going to teach that elephant a lesson!! Everyday the elephant comes down, the King's (raja's) elephant and he bathes in the pond here and he disturbs all us frogs. He doesn't appreciate our real value. Just ignores us and comes and...Now that I am the richest frog in the world I'm going to just tie up this elephant and stop him from disturbing us in the pond!"

So when the muhoot came with the elephant in the morning, to take him to bathe in the raj pukoor...raj tank, so that frog sitting on his 50 paise piece...this 8 annas, he told the elephant.."Stop!". Elephant could hardly pay any attention to what the frog was croaking.

And the frog in his anger jumped over to the elephant, hit his leg and then fell off near the elephants leg. The next step the elephant's foot came right on the frog....Squish!! End of the story.

So the moral of the story of-course, is we shouldn't get too proud even if we have some material prosperity. In the material world people, they get a little proud, they get a little prosperity, they are very proud and they start to do things with pride...forgetting that this life is temporary.

And ultimately, whatever power we have, it doesn't take anything to finish us off."

Friday, 26 August 2011

Spiritual Story - Sharpening the Axe

Once upon a time a strong woodcutter asked a timber merchant for a job. The timber merchant was happy to oblige. The pay was good and so were the work conditions. Therefore the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

The timber merchant presented the woodcutter with an axe and showed him where to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought eighteen trees.

“Congratulations!” the boss said. “Go on working like that!”

Motivated by the boss’ words the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could cut down only fifteen trees. The third day he tried even harder but cut down only ten trees. Day after day he brought fewer and fewer trees.

“I must be losing my strength,” the woodcutter thought. He went to the timber merchant and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.

“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the timber merchant asked.
“Sharpened? I have had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been busy trying to cut trees,” said the woodcutter.

Our lives are like that. We sometimes become so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen our axe. In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier but unhappier than ever. Why is that?

Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp?

There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work, but Krishna doesn’t want us to become so busy that we neglect what’s truly important in life, such as taking time to pray and to read the scripture. We all need time to relax, to think and chant, to learn and grow.
  If we don’t take time to sharpen our axe, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. So start TODAY. The only way you can do your job more effectively and add a lot of value to it is by CHANTING.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Love Yourself Awwwww......


look at yourself in the mirror n thnk god you're perfect

if you ever feel like you're ugly or imperfect , think about those who are unabled do to

most of the things in their life

think about those blind people , they dun even hav a chance to explore and see how this world

is so beautiful

the deaf people , they can't hear how humans manage to create such beautiful music

the mute people , they can't express their feelings to their loved ones

n how lucky we 're we can do all the things we want .

wen u think dat you're poor , u can't afford a GUESS shoes , 
think about the Africans who suffer from food n water

n you realise that you're healthy enough you can have a happy life

always appreciate of what you've been gifted and think twice

before complaining about your life



Thursday, 23 June 2011

Spiritual Story: Crossing the Water

There was a milkman and his daughter. His daughter’s duty was to carry fresh milk to customers in various villages. One of the customers was a Priest. To reach Priest’s house, the milkmaid had to cross a good-sized stream. People used to cross it by a ferry raft for a small charge.
The Priest used to perform daily Puja and offer fesh milk to God. One day that milkmaid got late. On this priest scolded the poor girl.
"What can I do?" she said. "I start out early from my house, but I have to wait a long time for the boatman to come."

Then the priest said (pretending to be serious) "What! People have even walked across the ocean by repeating the name of God and you can't even cross this little river?" This milkmaid took him very seriously.
From then onwards, she brought milk for the priest punctually every morning. The priest became curious about it and asked her how it was that she was never late anymore.
"I cross the river repeating the name of the Lord," she replied. "Just as you told me to do, without waiting for the ferry." The priest didn't believe her, and asked "Can you show me this, how you cross the river on foot?"
So they went together to the river and the milkmaid began to walk over it. Looking back, the woman saw that the priest had started to follow her and was floundering in the water.

"Sir!" she cried, "You are uttering the name of God, yet all the while you are holding up your clothes from getting wet. That is not trusting in God!"